Hop til indhold

Tidspunkt: 8. november kl. 14-15.

Oplægsholdere: Mitchel Resnick, Rasmus Egede Dahl og Astrid Brandt Vesterager. 

Målgruppe: Grundskolen.

Om oplægget

In this keynote, you will get inspiration on how creative, playful approaches to teaching can spark motivation, unleash curiosity, and expand learning opportunities among students in elementary school.

First Mitchel Resnick will discuss how new educational technologies can help catalyze a creative learning movement. He will draw upon examples from his Lifelong Kindergarten research group at the MIT Media Lab, including the Scratch programming language and the new OctoStudio mobile coding app.

This session is in English.

Afterwards, Rasmus Egede Dahl and Astrid Brandt Vestager will talk about their experiences working with Play@Heart at Højelse Skole. Play@Heart is a program that investigates the interaction between play, digital technologies as well as children’s development and learning.

This session is in Danish.

Finally, Mitchel, Rasmus and Astrid will answer some questions from those this keynote concerns - the children themselves. 

This session is in English. 

Om oplægsholderne

Mitchel Resnick

Mitchel Resnick, Professor of Learning Research at the MIT Media Lab, develops new technologies and activities to engage young people in creative learning experiences. His Lifelong Kindergarten research group developed the Scratch programming software and online community, and he has collaborated with the LEGO Company for many years on the development of new educational ideas and products, including LEGO Mindstorms robotics kits. He also co-founded the Computer Clubhouse project, an international network of after-school learning centers for youth from marginalized communities. He is author of the book Lifelong Kindergarten: Cultivating Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play. 

Rasmus Egede Dahl

Rasmus Egede Dahl er lærer og koordinator i Play@Heart projektet på Højelse Skole. Rasmus har mere end ti års erfaring i grundskolen og har i den tid arbejdet med, hvordan teknologier kan understøtte undervisningen og give rum til elevernes kreativitet. Som koordinator i Play@Heart, har Rasmus vejledt kollegaer i at implementere legende tilgange og teknologiforståelse på tværs af fag.

Astrid Brandt

Astrid Brandt Vesterager er lærer i Køge Kommune. Astrid er uddannet lærer og underviser til dagligt udskolingen i engelsk, idræt og historie.

Sidst opdateret: 8. september 2023